Frequently Asked Questions

How do I place an order?

You can email us, call us on 0399438365 or come into our Camberwell Store at 723 Burke Road.

What materials do you print onto?

We can print onto either paper, canvas or glass. To help you decide which is best to have your selected image printed onto, you can find information on each of these applications here. If you need assistance don't hesitate to email us or call us on 0399438365.

What types of frames are available?

You can check out our various frame types and colours here.

How much is it going to cost me?

Our Price List for all of our various print applications, frame types and sizes is available here.

The size that I want isn't in the list of available sizes. How can I order the size that I need?

Contact us to discuss your requirements.

How long after I place my order will it be delivered?

Your print will usually be manufactured within 21 days of your order being processed. You can pick up from our Camberwell store in Burke Road or alternately we will contact you when your order is ready to arrange delivery.

Do you do customised printing and framing?

Yes we certainly do. Contact us to discuss your requirements.